Guide Myanmar

Fast facts about Myanmar


Discover the key statistics and facts about Myanmar

  • Total land area: 676,578 sq. km (slightly smaller than Texas)

  • Border countries: Bangladesh, China, India, Laos, Thailand

  • Coastline: 1,930 km

  • Mean elevation: 702 m

  • Population: 56,590,071, #25 in the world

  • Population of largest cities: Yangon - 5.32 million, Mandalay – 1.44 million

  • Literacy rate: 75.6%

  • Ethnic groups: Bamar (68%), Shan (9%), Karen (7%), Rakhine (4%), Chinese (3%), Indian (2%), Mon (2%), other (5%) *Note: Myanmar has 135 officially recognized ethnic groups

  • Official language: Burmese (although minority ethnic groups use their own languages)

  • Religions: Buddhist (88%), Christian(6%), Muslim (4%), Other (2%)

  • UNESCO World Heritage Sites: 2 - Bagan and Pyu Ancient Cities

  • Currency: Kyat

  • Tallest mountain: Hkakabo Razi (5,881 metres)

  • Largest lake: Contrary to popular belief, Inle Lake (116 sq. km) is not the largest lake in Myanmar, instead, it is Lake Indawgyi (260 sq. km)

  • Number of islands in the Mergui Archipelago: 800

*Statistics from the CIA World Factbook 2020

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